0308: Many Heads, One Tale

Holy hell, this episode is totally buckwild! Page, J.D., Devon, and Michal get way deep into Episode 8, and debate such fun things as explosive decompression on airplanes, whether or not locking someone in a room is an effective way to get what you want, and how frustrated kisses are the best kisses. 

Direct download: S03E08_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EST

  • Somehow my comment isn't registering. I loved your discussion on FitzSimmons. It's exactly what I've been saying online since 3x05. A very real, mature way to deal with emotions and guilt. No one is at fault. The triangle was perfectly set up within the AoS universe. I like that you discuss them in depth even if you don't ship them. The writers have truly written a masterpiece of an angsty love story and giving it to the, by far, best dramatic actors on the show. If they could share an Emmy, that needs to happen. I don't think they'll kill any of them off. I don't see the point. If the characters became redundant on the show, have them be together and retire from the SHIELD team due to all they have gone through. They aren't field agents, they are scientists. I think the writers are saving the L word for later even if Fitz said yes to Yusef question in 3x01. Fitz have been in love with Jemma since forever and she has been in love with him since he was in a coma (feel free to let me guest on the show to explain that :)). I do wish they would get to be happy soon. The writers have put them through a lot. Much more than anyone else imo. Great podcast. I'm gonna listen to more of them and expect more comments from me. :) PS. *spoiler through 3x10*. My wish for S3B: Don't let Fitz settle for being a consolation price and I want to see Jemma go through the grieving process from Guilt to Anger to Acceptance. She might lash out at Fitz since he was there and she was not and part of grieving a death like Will's is going through the scenarios of how it could have ended differently.

    posted by: Soren on 2015-12-13 22:55:49

  • I loved your discussion on FitzSimmons. It's exactly what I've been saying online since 3x05. A very real, mature way to deal with emotions and guilt. No one is at fault. The triangle was perfectly set up within the AoS universe. I like that you discuss them in depth even if you don't ship them. The writers have truly written a masterpiece of an angsty love story and giving it to the, by far, best dramatic actors on the show. If they could share an Emmy, that needs to happen. I don't think they'll kill any of them off. I don't see the point. If the characters became redundant on the show, have them be together and retire from the SHIELD team due to all they have gone through. They aren't field agents, they are scientists. I think the writers are saving the L word for later even if Fitz said yes to Yusef question in 3x01. Fitz have been in love with Jemma since forever and she has been in love with him since he was in a coma (feel free to let me guest on the show to explain that :)). I do wish they would get to be happy soon. The writers have put them through a lot. Much more than anyone else imo. Great podcast. I'm gonna listen to more of them and expect more comments from me. :) PS. *spoiler through 3x10*. My wish for S3B: Don't let Fitz settle for being a consolation price and I want to see Jemma go through the grieving process from Guilt to Anger to Acceptance. She might lash out at Fitz since he was there and she was not and part of grieving a death like Will's is going through the scenarios of how it could have ended differently.

    posted by: Soren on 2015-12-13 22:54:41

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