Last Signed AoS/Iron Man 3 Poster Signed by Clark Gregg Prize Pack Giveaway

Alright, it’s time for the LAST poster giveaway this summer! I’m giving away the last of three AoS New York Comic Con 2013 mini posters signed by Clark Gregg. Big thanks to the clarkgreggreporter for help me plan this out!

SPECIAL NOTE: During the flurry of activity at the Apple Store in Soho where Clark was nice enough to sign the posters for me, he accidentally signed the back of the poster on the Iron Man 3 side, not the SHIELD side. So since that’s a little wonky, I’ve added another prize tier to compensate for it!



Here’s the prize breakdown:

* One Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. mini poster signed by Clark Gregg [...]

Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 1:30pm EST