0214: Love in the Time of Hydra

J.D., Page, and Devon are back to talk about episode 14 of season 2, Love in the Time of Hydra. And by "love," they hope that they didn't mean "weird, icky sexual advances." They discuss what Ward's intentions might be, what the flaw in NegaSHIELD's plan could be, and where Hunter may have gone!

Direct download: S02E14_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EST

  • Love the podcast but saying Real SHIELD doesn't have a good reason to go after Coulson doesn't make sense. He was injected with alien DNA and acted mentally unstable. They don't know if Coulson will go crazy again or if he's still crazy but more subtle about it. From their perspective that's not the type of person you want heading a spy organization where bad decisions can cost people their lives.

    posted by: Orange on 2015-03-27 14:12:35

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