As an added bonus, here’s everyone’s submissions written out. For posterity and stuff! Thanks so much everyone! - Page


What I love about Clark Gregg is his unwavering enthusiasm and real joy regarding his work and it’s unexpected spotlight.  I can’t name another actor who has such passion and love for his fan base.



Thanks for doing the Clark Gregg appreciation podcast! Here’s my little blurb: Clark Gregg is awesome because he’s always kind and generous to his fans, and because he seems to sincerely appreciate the chance of playing Phil Coulson.



what I like about Clark is that he’s seems like such a goofy fanboy. I follow him on twitter because he makes me laugh because he’s such a snarky soul. I’ve been to enough conventions to get a good idea of which actors are there because they’re short on their alimony [...]

Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 11:25am EST

Let the love fest commence! J.D. and Page read your submissions and respond to all of the reasons why we love the star of Agents of SHIELD, Clark Gregg, and his unflappable Agent Coulson. We want to thank everyone again for their submissions, and we hope we did your messages proud!

Direct download: ClarkGreggLovefest.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 8:00am EST