We discuss one of our favorite episodes of the season, Paradise Lost! But not without getting completely sidetracked on discussions about roller coaster accidents and object sexuality. It's a weird episode.

Direct download: S03E16_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

Field Reports 4/11/16

Do you want to listen to nearly 3 hours of listener letters? Then this is the episode for you!

Direct download: 03140315Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

0315: Spacetime

We get together as predetermined by fate to discuss Episode 15, Spacetime! We touch on Hive's sexy jacket, Malick's struggle to deal with powers beyond his control, and May coming to grips with her past. It's a heavy episode!

Direct download: S03E15_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

0314: Watchdogs

We discuss an episode that may have driven at least three of us to fits of confusion, Watchdogs! We try to figure out what exactly explains the motivations of Reuben, Daisy, and Blake, and we get into figuring out how Reuben knew where Mack was. You know the scene.

Direct download: S03E14_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

Field Reports 3/27/16

Find out how many of your fellow listeners cried during last week's episode, Parting Shot. Also, someone sings.

Direct download: 0313Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

0313: Parting Shot

We get together and talk about the episode that made at least two of us weep real tears, Parting Shot! Amongst the tears, we talk about how to replace the humor that Hunter brought, how the episode connected to the rest of the season, and who that new character in the stinger might be!


Special thanks to Jesse Gilsinger for the new music! We hope you guys enjoy it!

Direct download: S03E13_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

Clark Gregg Re-Returns!

Page sits down with Clark Gregg to discuss how Coulson has changed over the course of the show, their martial arts training, and a shared love for Hamilton!

Direct download: ClarkGregg3.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

We read your letters about The Inside Man and desperately try to contain our excitement about Season 2 of Daredevil in this week's Field Reports!

Direct download: 0312Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

0312: The Inside Man

J.D., Page, Devon, and Michal go a little bit off the rails in discussing Ward's honey/caramel bath, what Muppet Talbot most resembles, and how they can all date Charlie Cox at the same time. Look, things get weird, to be perfectly honest.

Direct download: S03E12_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

We bounce back to read your letters about the mid-season 3 premiere of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

Direct download: 0311Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

0311: Bouncing Back

It's back! Page, J.D., Devon, and Michal discuss Episode 11 of Season 3, Bouncing Back! They try to keep Michal awake while discussing Fitz and Simmons' issues, their love for Elena and Joey, and what exactly is going on with Coulson.

Direct download: S03E11_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 11:01am EDT

Jessica Jones Episodes 9+10

We discuss two more incredibly messed-up episodes of Jessica Jones in hopes that you won't notice that we're a day late on our Agents of SHIELD review!

Direct download: JessicaJonesEp910.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Field Reports 3/7/16

J.D.'s not the only one bringing the salt, as we read through your letters and thoughts on the Season 2 Finale of Agent Carter.

Direct download: AC0210Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:56am EDT

Mid-Season 3 Review with Jackie Kashian and Andy Ashcraft

Stand-up Comedian Jackie Kashian and Game Designer Andy Ashcraft are back again to help us get into the spirit for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. by reviewing the first half of Season 3 and anticipating what we might see in the back half of the season! We also touch on Agent Carter and discuss our Deadpool experiences!

Check out Jackie's work at http://www.jackiekashian.com, and keep up with Andy's work at http://www.giantsdancegames.com/.



Direct download: MidSeason3Wrap.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

Agent Carter 0210: Hollywood Ending

We put a bow on Agent Carter's season 2 with more salt than is recommended by most physicians.

Direct download: AC0210.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

We discuss our thoughts and feelings on 20th Century Fox's record-breaking film, Deadpool! This episode is full of love, heart, and spoilers. If you haven't seen the movie, and you don't want to know important plot details, hold off on this episode!

Direct download: Deadpool.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 10:53am EDT

Ming-Na Wen Interview

Page sits down for a chat with Agent Melinda May herself, Ming-Na Wen! They discuss May as a role model, Ming-Na's status as a Disney princess, and how May has grown over the course of the show.

Direct download: MingNaWenInterview.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 10:27am EDT

All of your letters from the last FOUR episodes of Agent Carter are here, and it looks like we're not the only ones confused about aspects of the show. Join in as we discuss all of your thoughts and feelings!

Direct download: AC0206-0209Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

Simon Kassianides Interview

Page sits down with Sunil Bakshi himself, Simon Kassianides! They discuss his time on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. as well as the Kickstarter he has started for a movie called Trust No One!

Donate to the Kickstarter here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/229870500/trust-no-one

Direct download: SimonKassianidesInterview.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 6:59am EDT

Agent Carter 0208 & 0209: The Edge of Mystery and A Little Song and Dance

Agent Carter's Season 2 is drawing to a close, and we discuss what exactly Peggy's arc has been this season. We also dig into Jason Wilkes and Whitney Frost as characters, whether Thompson's character is believable at this point, and yes, we discuss that musical number.

Direct download: AC02080209.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

Jessica Jones Episodes 7 + 8

We get together and talk about two excellent, creepy, gross episodes of Jessica Jones, AKA Top Shelf Perverts and AKA WWJD! We talk about the levels of awful Kilgrave displays by violating Jessica's childhood, mourn the loss of banana bread, and dig into that police station scene!

Direct download: JessicaJonesEp78.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

Agent Carter 0206 + 0207: Life of the Party & Monsters

A little different format this week as we try to catch up with an action packed and super confusing two episodes of Agent Carter! 

Direct download: AC02060207.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Field Reports 2/16/16

We're back from a long weekend to read all of your letters about the last two episodes (4 and 5 of season 2) of Agent Carter!

Direct download: AC020405Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EDT

Agent Carter 0205: The Atomic Job

Well, things get back to normal this week as J.D. visits a salt factory on his way to recording this episode. We discuss the survivability of Peggy's injuries, what types of things live in those vents, and all of the bad decisions that Sousa makes in the episode!

Direct download: AC0205.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 3:30am EDT

Jessica Jones Episodes 5 & 6

We recorded this episode covering episodes 5 & 6 of Jessica Jones about a month ago. We hope you enjoy it, and thanks for waiting for it! 

Direct download: JessicaJonesEp56.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 11:04pm EDT

An episode J.D. actually likes?! Holy shit! Listen to J.D. begrudgingly accept his new reality as we argue over which Olympics is best, what Sousa's ultimate fate will be, and whether or not Peggy is finally the feminist role model we all hoped she could be.

Direct download: AC0204.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Agent Carter 0203: Better Angels

It's time for another episode of Agent Carter! Has J.D. become any less salty about the show in the last week? Do you even need to ask?

Direct download: AC0203.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

You had some thoughts about the first two episodes of Agent Carter's second season... and most of them were about Wilkes. Since you sent them, we're here to read them! Thanks as always for your letters!

Direct download: AC0201Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Agent Carter 0201 and 0202

Agent Carter is back, and we're here to break everything down from the two-hour, two-episode premiere! We discuss our love of Rose, how we feel about Season Two Sousa, and whether Ana is a worthy replacement for Angie.

Direct download: AC020102.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

Field Reports 1/19/16

It's a whole grab bag of letters! We read your letters about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Jessica Jones, and Star Wars, and start preparing for Agent Carter!

Direct download: StarWarsMail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

Jessica Jones Episodes 3 & 4

Things start to get sexy, then disturbing, then plain creepy in Jessica Jones, and we break down both of these excellent episodes! 

Direct download: JessicaJonesEp34.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

The gang's all here to discuss the first two episodes of Jessica Jones! Spoilers are discussed for both episodes and the rest of the series. Consider yourselves warned!

Direct download: JessicaJonesEp12.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:03am EDT

Field Reports 1/5/16

We are back from our holiday hiatus with the rest of your letters about the mid-season finale of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

Direct download: 0310MailPt2.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EDT

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Incursion

We interrupt our regularly scheduled Marvel Cinematic Universe podcast to take you to a galaxy far, far away, as we react to Star Wars: The Force Awakens! We tried to keep the first 15 minutes or so spoiler free, but honestly, if you haven't seen the movie yet... wait to listen to the episode!

Direct download: StarWarsIncursion.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Field Reports 12/21/15

It's part one of your Field Reports about the mid-season finale! You read that correctly. We got so many letters, we're bringing you this as a two parter!

Direct download: 0310pt1Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

Daz Crawford Interview

Daz Crawford joins the podcast this week to talk all about life as Ward's henchman, Kebo! He also gets into some of his past, including his time on England's 1988 Olympic team, being on the set of a James Bond movie, and chance encounters with marine mammals!


Direct download: DazCrawfordInterview.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

0310: Maveth

Page, Devon, and Michal are finally rejoined by J.D. to discuss an action packed mid-season finale, Maveth! They spend time discussing the inappropriate twitter reaction to the episode, and try to convince J.D. that Coulson really went over the line.


Direct download: S03E10_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

J.D. is still gone, but we're back to read ALL of your letters about "Closure." And man, did you guys send a lot of them!

Direct download: 0309Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:13am EDT

0309: Closure

J.D. is gone this week, so Page, Devon, and Michal break down one of the most insane episodes of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. yet, Closure! They discuss how far Ward has gone, whether or not a certain character was fridged, and where the show goes from here!



Direct download: S03E09_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:32am EDT

Jessica Jones

Michal, J.D., Page, and Devon discuss the overarching themes and plot lines from Marvel's Jessica Jones! They get into the depictions of control and consent, how strongly the shows portrays women, LGBTQ representation, and how icky some of the internet is.


Direct download: JessicaJones.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

Field Reports 11/25/15

We're back to read your letters about Many Heads, One Tale! You all still don't trust Will very much. Or Rosalind. Or... you know, you guys don't trust many people on this show at all, at this point.

Direct download: 0308Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 1:22am EDT

Field Reports 11/23/15

We're back to read your overdue letters from Episode 7! It's a long one, because you guys sent all of the letters!

Direct download: 0307Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 7:00am EDT

0308: Many Heads, One Tale

Holy hell, this episode is totally buckwild! Page, J.D., Devon, and Michal get way deep into Episode 8, and debate such fun things as explosive decompression on airplanes, whether or not locking someone in a room is an effective way to get what you want, and how frustrated kisses are the best kisses. 

Direct download: S03E08_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EDT

0307: Chaos Theory

Michal, Devon, Page, and J.D. have a lot of worries to discuss about this week's episode, Chaos Theory! J.D.'s worried about another secret bad guy, Page is worried about Coulson, Michal is worried about Simmons, and Devon is worried about being surrounded by lunatics. Come worry along!

Direct download: S03E07_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 7:00am EDT

Field Reports 11/09/15

Boy, do you guys have a lot to say about Will and Andrew! We read all of your letters and react to your reactions about the last two episodes. Also, Page's cat attacks her! 

Direct download: 0306Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 7:00am EDT

0306: Among Us Hide

J.D., Page, Devon, and Michal break apart a jam-packed episode, Among Us Hide! Page tries to convince herself that Andrew isn't really Lash, they discuss some new facts about Will, and try to figure out what Rosalind's true goals are. 

Direct download: S03E06_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 7:00am EDT

Field Reports 11/2/15

We read more of your letters and thoughts about a crazy and divisive episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and we reveal our announcement!

Direct download: 0305Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 7:00am EDT

0305: 4,722 Hours

Page, J.D., and Devon bring Michal Schick from Hypable.com back on the show to both review and speak for 4,722 Hours! They dig deep into Simmons' decisions and state of mind, the state of the internet fan community, and what on earth is up with that planet!

Direct download: S03E05_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 7:00am EDT

Field Reports 10/27/15

Field Reports two days in a row? Hell yes! We have all of your letters about episode four coming at you.

Direct download: 0304Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 7:00am EDT

Field Reports 10/26/15

We read your letters about Episode 3, and a few letters about Episode 2 we missed. Needless to say, this episode is long!



Direct download: 0303Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 7:00am EDT

0304: Devils You Know

Oh no! Page, Devon, and J.D. are here to discuss Devils You Know, and more specifically, whether or not a certain someone is still alive! They also remind Hunter how stupid his plan is, debate on how much trouble he's in with May (somewhere between "a lot" and "all of it"), and spin dash into some Lash identity theories!

Direct download: S03E04_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 7:00am EDT

Field Reports 10/16/15

We read your letters about Episode 2, Purpose in the Machine, and we get a little silly!

Direct download: 0302Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 7:00am EDT

0303: A Wanted (Inhu)man

Page, J.D., and Devon are back to cover Episode 3, A Wanted (Inhu)man. One of them breaks into a rant while they debate Lincoln's character and his relationship with Daisy, and they make things weird between Coulson and Rosalind.

Direct download: S03E03_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 7:00am EDT

New York Comic Con 2015 Aftermath Minisode

Page and Devon put a neat little bow on their 2015 New York Comic Con experience, highlighted by them seeing the first episode of Jessica Jones!

Direct download: NYCC2015Pt2.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

New York Comic Con 2015 Minisode

Page and Devon are on the ground in New York City to bring you a report on the first two days of New York Comic Con 2015!

Direct download: NYCC2015Pt1.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 7:00am EDT

0302: Purpose in the Machine

Page, Devon, and J.D. are here to discuss Episode 2 of Season 3, Purpose in the Machine! They discuss whether or not Ward works for them as a concept right now, if the Simmons situation was solved too quickly, and profess their love for Peter MacNicol. Can we keep him?

Direct download: S03E02_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EDT

Field Reports 10/4/15

The wait is over! 2+ hours of your letters are here, and we read through every single one of them (we hope)! 

Direct download: 0301Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 7:00am EDT

J.D., Page, and Devon are back with Michal Schick from Hypable.com to discuss the Season 3 premiere, Laws of Nature! They heap tentative praise on the show for the introduction of an LGBTQ character, try to figure out what's up with the big stone monolith, and try to avoid talking about the feels that Fitz destroyed.

Direct download: S03E01_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

Dragon*Con 2015

Page and Devon are on a solo mission to Atlanta to enjoy Dragon*Con! You'll find two panels from the convention on this podcast: The Diversity in the MCU panel, and the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. panel. Plus, other reports from the convention!

Direct download: DragonCon2015.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

Field Reports 8/31/15

We have a lot of letters to catch up on! Here's a collection of the letters that you've sent over the summer. Thanks for sending them, and sorry it's taken us so long to get to them!

Direct download: August2015Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EDT

We love Ming-Na Wen. We know you do, too. How do we know? Cause you guys sent us a bunch of letters stating that fact! Enjoy an hour of us gushing about the greatest badass in the history of everything, courtesy of our listeners and posts culled from the Melinda May Matters Project (http://melindamaymatters.tumblr.com).

Direct download: MingNaWenLovefest.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

Daredevil 0106: Condemned

What happens when J.D., Page, and Devon record an episode while J.D. is on pain killers and is fresh from a 48-hour stay at the hospital? Nothing professional, that's what! But hopefully you enjoy the hour and a half of ridiculousness that follows!

Direct download: DaredevilS01E06.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

Page, Devon, and J.D. welcome back the woman behind all the amazing suits (and catsuits), Ann Foley! They talk about some of the new designs in season two, how some designs shifted from season one, and some of Ann's biggest challenges!

Direct download: AnnFoleyInterview2.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 11:13am EDT

Interview with Troy Benjamin

Troy Benjamin, author of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Season Two Declassified, is on to talk with Page, Devon, and J.D. about what the process is like for documenting a television show as it is filming, give some fun behind-the-scenes stories, and gush for a while about Ghostbusters!


Order Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Season Two Declassified on Amazon and help support the podcast! Click here!

Direct download: TroyBenjaminInterview.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

Daredevil 0105: World on Fire

J.D., Page, and Devon get a little unhinged as they discuss episode five, World on Fire. They argue over schedules, read your letters, fawn over Vanessa and Wilson's relationship some more, and try to figure out why Karen and Foggy's subplot doesn't work as well for them. Also, stick around at the end for a teeny bonus!

Direct download: DaredevilS01E05.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

Ant-Man Bonus Episode

J.D., Page, and Devon are ready to talk about what they loved and didn't love about Ant-Man! Major spoilers start at 46:55, so if you haven't seen the movie yet, stop the podcast there!

Direct download: AntMan.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

Daredevil 0104: In the Blood

Page, Devon, and J.D. are back to bring you SDCC news, Emmy nomination news, and a recap of an episode all three of them liked, In the Blood! Enjoy as they desperately use Google to figure out what the hell Zuppa is!

Direct download: DaredevilS01E04.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT


Full Panels


SDCC Agents of SHIELD/Agent Carter panel:


Flicks and The City * Flickering Myth *

Season 2 Look Back SDCC Video

Nerd HQ: Partners in Crimes AoS/AC panel

Women Who Kick Ass SDCC Panel (Hayley Atwell)

Fan Favorites Panel (Ming-Na Wen)

Master List Post of All of the Dubsmash vids + Bonus Luke Mitchell BTS vids


Agents of SHIELD

Panel Recap


Zap2It * ScreenCrushDen of GeekTVGuideEmpireJoBlo

Written Cast Interviews

Coming Soon * Daily News (Ming-Na Wen)SuperHeroHypeHypable (Animated News) *

Video/Audio Interviews

Clark Gregg & Chloe Bennet

 Zap2ItIGNESPN (Audio/Clark only) * HitFix Nerdophiles *

Ming-Na Wen & Brett Dalton

AfterBuzzTV (Ming-Na only) * AfterBuzzTV (Brett only)Nerdophiles *  Seat42F *

Luke Mitchell & Henry Simmons

AfterBuzzTV * IGNTVFanatic  NerdophilesSeat42F *

Iain De Caestecker & Elizabeth Henstridge

Nerdophiles * Seat42FZap2It *

Nick Blood & Adrianne Palicki

AfterBuzzTV NerdophilesSeat24FTV Fanatic *

Misc. Groups/People

AfterBuzzTV * EWNerdophiles (Jeph Loeb) *  TVLine Marvel (Ann Foley)MarvelCBR (Jeph Loeb) *


Agent Carter

Panel Recap

Christian Post * Collider * CinemaBlend


Written Cast Interviews

 Coming Soon


Video Interviews

Cast & Crew

AfterBuzzTV * HeyYouGuysIGNYahooMarvel * Marvel (Jeph, Hayley, James) Nerdophiles (AC Showrunners)NerdophilesTV FanaticHitFixIGN (james only) *




Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 2:51pm EDT

Daredevil 0103: Rabbit in a Snowstorm

J.D., Page, and Devon are back to talk about episode three of Daredevil, Rabbit in a Snowstorm! They try to council Page through one of her phobias while discussing what makes Daredevil different from the other MCU shows. And they finally catch up on all of their letters!


Direct download: Daredevil0103.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

J.D. is back from being sick and bringing his C- game as he, Page, and Devon discuss Daredevil's second episode, Cut Man! They also discuss news from the last two weeks and catch up on your letters that have been missed over the last few weeks!

Direct download: DaredevilS01E02.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

100th Episode with Maurissa Tancharoen

J.D. and Page sit down with the Executive Producer of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Maurissa Tancharoen, to discuss season two of the show, how characters like Skye and Ward have progressed, and share some experiences from their lives! Thank you to everyone who have stood by us for 100 episodes!

Direct download: MaurissaTancheroenInterview.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

It's time to dig into Daredevil! Page, J.D., and Devon break apart the first and fantastic episode of Daredevil Season 1, Into the Ring! They discuss some of the visceral fight scenes, their appreciation for some of the subtle acting touches, and gush for a bit over Wesley! Enjoy our 99th episode!

Direct download: DaredevilS01E01.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EDT

Mad Max: Fury Road Incursion and AwesomeCon

The podcast you've asked for! We sit down and talk for nearly two hours about Mad Max: Fury Road! We also dig into the new Fallout 4 trailer, and give you some things Page recorded at AwesomeCon! Next week starts the Daredevil. Spoilers for Mad Max start at 27:00 and go until pretty close to the end of the episode!

Direct download: MadMaxIncursion.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Page and J.D. sit down and have a chat with Mark Kolpack, visual effects supervisor of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

Direct download: MarkKolpackInterview.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

Season 2 Wrap Up with Jackie Kashian and Andy Ashcraft

Our friends, Jackie Kashian and Andy Ashcraft, are back to have a laid-back chat about Season Two of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Age of Ultron, Agent Carter, and Daredevil. There's a lot to discuss!

Get a list of Jackie's tour dates at http://www.jackiekashian.com, and check her out when she comes to a city near you!

Direct download: Season2WrapWithJK.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Here's another two and a half hours of your letters! That's right, you guys sent us almost five hours worth of tweets and e-mails. We are completely overwhelmed, grateful, and sleepy.

Direct download: 0222MailPt2.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Welp. You guys did it. Two plus hours of your e-mails and tweets, and we're still just halfway through the stack. We hope you enjoy it! We'll have the second half tomorrow for you!

As always, send your e-mails to level7accesspod@gmail.com and we will read it on the podcast!

Direct download: 0222MailPt1.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:19am EDT

The wait is over! Page, J.D., and Devon dig into the last episode of season two! They discuss what will become of Simmons, whether or not they like Ward's new direction, and try to figure out how much trauma Page endured during the finale!


Direct download: S02E22_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

0221: S.O.S. Part 1

Page, J.D., and Devon are here to break down part one of the season two finale, S.O.S.! J.D. manages to be an ass and pick a fight with a significant part of the fandom while picking apart Ward and Kara's plans. They discuss a character departing for good, fawn over some well-coreographed fight scenes, and vent about ordering Con tickets. 


Direct download: S02E21_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Age of Ultron Field Reports

Stressed out about tonight's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. finale? Try to relax with a bonus Field Reports episode! We read all of your letters about Avengers: Age of Ultron. Needless to say, spoilers abound!

Send more e-mails to level7accesspod@gmail.com, and we will read them on the next podcast!

Direct download: AoUMail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 1:03am EDT

Field Reports 5/10/15

It's Field Reports for Episode 20, Scars! Sorry that it's late. It's been a crazy week. Also, look for our Field Reports for Age of Ultron coming tomorrow! Thank you again, for all of your support!

Send your letters to level7accesspod@gmail.com and we will read them on the air!

Direct download: 0220Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 11:45pm EDT

0220: Scars

J.D. is in Baltimore to record with Page and Devon, and they spend two and a half hours breaking down episode 20, Scars. They try to piece together how two Mays existed at once and how a lot of people with good intentions managed to screw everything up so spectacularly.

Direct download: S02E20_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 6:17am EDT

Age of Ultron Bonus Episode

It's here! J.D., Page, and Devon break down Avengers: Age of Ultron! They talk about how it stacks up against the original, how it ties into the rest of the MCU, and where it all goes from here. Spoilers start at 23:15, so if you haven't seen the movie yet, turn off the episode there!

Direct download: AgeofUltron.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EDT

Field Reports 5/3/15

It's Field Reports day! Sorry that they are late (thanks, Baltimore Curfew), and we hope you enjoy them! It's time to clear the deck a bit before we tackle Age of Ultron. Look for that episode on the morning of 5/4!

Direct download: 0219Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 11:57pm EDT

0219: The Dirty Half Dozen

The gang is back together! J.D., Page, and Devon have their minds exploded by one of their favorite episodes of the series, The Dirty Half Dozen. They spend an unconscionable amount of time talking about Skye's fight scene, try to figure out what was going on between Bakshi and Ward, and pour one out for one of their favorite characters.

Direct download: S02E19_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EDT

Field Reports 4/26/15

It's your tweets and e-mails. For over two hours. It's your fault, and also thank you!

As always, send your e-mails to level7accesspod@gmail.com, and we will read them on the air!

Direct download: 0218Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 9:04pm EDT

0218: Frenemy of My Enemy

Crazy title aside, J.D., Devon, and Page dig into episode 18, Frenemy of My Enemy! They discuss what on earth is up with Bakshi, what on earth is up with Ward, and what on earth is up with May! They also figure out what their nagging issues with the second half of season two are. Warning: really long episode ahead.

Direct download: S02E18_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EDT

We're back to read more of your letters and tweets! And we try to cover up as many Daredevil spoilers as we can. Also, our recording schedule will be weird this week. Details are in the episode. Now you HAVE to listen!

As always, send your e-mails to level7accesspod@gmail.com to have them read on the air!

Direct download: 0217Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EDT

0217: Melinda

Get your feels ready! J.D., Page, and Devon hop aboard the emotional roller coaster that was episode 17, Melinda! They discuss what Theta Protocol could be, what might tie into Age of Ultron, and what Simmons is going to do from here!



Direct download: S02E17_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EDT

Daredevil Bonus Episode

The Man With No Fear is here! Marvel's Daredevil dropped on Friday, and we managed to watch all of it over the weekend. We will discuss our impressions of the Netflix series, highlight things that worked and didn't work so much for us, and we will dig into the news that Agents of SHIELD has a potential spin-off coming!


SPOILER ALERT!!! Spoilers start at 1:08:05 and go through the remainder of the episode!

Direct download: DaredevilBonus.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EDT

Field Reports 4/12/15

It may be a day late, but we are here to read your letters and tweets about Episode 16, Afterlife! We meant to get the episode up on its normal day, but Daredevil happened! We'll be bringing a bonus episode to you tomorrow to talk about that!

As always, send your letters to level7accesspod@gmail.com!

Direct download: 0216Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EDT

J.D., Page, and Devon break into another great episode, Afterlife! Even if the name doesn't really sit well with them. They will discuss that, how reprehensible Gonzalez is, and how much longer Bobbi will put up with his stuff. They also try to figure out what on earth is up with Lincoln, and what Gordon's words meant. Also, J.D. will whine about spoilers! It's a lot to talk about!


Direct download: S02E16_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EDT

Field Reports 4/5/15

We're back to read more of your tweets and letters! All 2+ hours of them! Thank you guys so much for sending us so many awesome letters and thoughts. We appreciate them and your support!

Don't forget to send your letters to level7accesspod@gmail.com, and we will read your letters on the air as well!

Direct download: 0215Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 8:13pm EDT

0215: One Door Closes

J.D., Page, and Devon break down what might be the best episode of season 2 to date, One Door Closes! They discuss "Real" S.H.I.E.L.D.'s motivations, the effective use of flashbacks, and gush over some awesome fight scenes. They also speculate on where certain characters may wind up when this new threat is dealt with, and evaluate Coulson's vacation plans. It's a busy episode!

Direct download: S02E15_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EDT

Field Reports: 03/29/15

We're back with more of your thoughts and letters! Sorry for the short delay this week, and as always, we appreciate your support and patience!

You can send your letters to level7accesspod@gmail.com for us to read on the air!

Direct download: 0214Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 7:32pm EDT

0214: Love in the Time of Hydra

J.D., Page, and Devon are back to talk about episode 14 of season 2, Love in the Time of Hydra. And by "love," they hope that they didn't mean "weird, icky sexual advances." They discuss what Ward's intentions might be, what the flaw in NegaSHIELD's plan could be, and where Hunter may have gone!

Direct download: S02E14_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EDT

0213: One of Us

One of Us! One of Us! J.D., Page, and Devon dig into the next episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., trying to figure out what this week's big reveal means going forward. They also discuss the awesome fight scenes in the episode (thanks, Kevin Tancharoen!), some awesome visual effects, and what new decorations Page is adding to her bedroom.

Direct download: S02E13_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EDT

We're back again to read more of your letters and tweets following Episode 12 of Season 2, Who You Really Are. Is Page writing letters to the show using a pen name? Find out!

As always, send your e-mails to level7accesspod@gmail.com!

Direct download: 0212Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EDT

Field Reports 3/8/15

We're back to read your letters after an action-packed mid-season premiere of Agents of SHIELD! Insert earthquake based pun here.

You can write to us at level7accesspod@gmail.com to have your thoughts read on the show!

Direct download: 0211Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

0211: Aftershocks

Agents of SHIELD is back, and Level 7 Access is here! J.D., Page, and Devon break into a  spirited discussion about whether Raina is a hedgehog or an echidna, whether Simmons' new eradication mindset is in keeping with her character, and where you can find Utz potato chips. Also, they react to the new Age of Ultron trailer and try to figure out what Bobbi and Mack are up to. Enjoy an extra-long episode!

Direct download: S02E11_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EDT