J.D. and Page discuss Episode 5 of Season 1 and compare it favorably to episodes that have come before. They break down some of the cliffhangers coming up, comment on characters’ bad life decisions, and debate the aesthetic qualities of Austin, TX’s skyline.

Direct download: E2L7A.m4a
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 3:01pm EST

Welcome to Level 7 Access, a Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Podcast! Hosts J.D. Jackson and Page Branson launch the podcast with a discussion and breakdown of Episode 4,  gush over Coulson (well… mostly Page), and discuss things on the horizon for the show. Be gentle - It’s their first time!

Direct download: L7AE1.m4a
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:55pm EST