Agatha All Along S01E01-02

Think back, if you will, to the halcyon days of early 2020. The MCU still seemed unstoppable, and we were looking forward to the first (official for real this time) MCU tv show: Wandavision. Well maybe some of that spirit of optimism is back, because it really was Agatha All Along. Come; walk the road with us.

Recorded 9-22-24

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

  • Concerti Grossi

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website because it's got all the contact info

Direct download: L7A_Agatha_S1E01-02.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:02pm EST

Star Wars: The Acolyte S1 Part 1

I think we can all agree that of our hosts, the Force is strongest with Jamie and Michal, which is why they have come back to discuss the first half of the newest Disney+ Star Wars show: The Acolyte! (Also the rest of us haven't watched it yet.) Topics include: Jecki, whiney fans, Darth Teeth, and Jecki again.

Recorded 6-25-24

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

  • Ricardo
  • Concerti Grossi

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website because it's got all the contact info

Direct download: L7A_The_Acolyte_S1_Part_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:32pm EST

Awesome Con Awesome Content

Join us for a glimpe into Awesome Cons past! In preparation for this year's Awesome Con happening March 8-10, we are sharing recordings of some panels from previous years. We've got Marvel, Mcelroys, Star Wars and more.

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

  • Ricardo
  • Concerti Grossi

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website because it's got all the contact info

Direct download: L7A_Awesome_Con_Awesome_Content.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am EST

What If? Season 2

What if... What If was good? Crazy, right? But... maybe it could happen in the vast multiverse? Come with the Level 7 Jew Crew (aka Jamie and Michal) to the year 1602 to investigate this mysterious phenomenon.

Recorded 1-7-23

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

  • Ricardo
  • Concerti Grossi

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website because it's got all the contact info

Direct download: L7A_What_If_Season_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:56pm EST

The Marvels

Did you know that whenever two of us crosstalk we instantly swap locations? It's true; just like the main characters in The Marvels, which is a fascinating movie to talk about because it mega-bombed and some people HATE it. But we had... a LOT of fun.

Recorded 12-9-23

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

  • Ricardo
  • Concerti Grossi

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website because it's got all the contact info

Direct download: L7A_The_Marvels.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:18pm EST

Loki S02 E05-06

It has all come back around to the beginning. It is 2013; JD and Page are discussing Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D episode 4. Wait, no, not that far back. The point is, the season (series?) finale of Loki has arrived and brought with it a glorious resolution to the story of our favorite former antagonist.

Recorded 11-26-23

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

  • Ricardo
  • Concerti Grossi

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website because it's got all the contact info

Direct download: L7A_Loki_S02E05-06.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:52pm EST

Loki S2 E01-04

Would you like any parmeasean cheese on your Victor Timely spaghetti? You're not hungry? But there's always room for key lime pie. And there's always time to talk about the first four episodes of Loki season 2.

Recorded 10-30-23

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

  • Ricardo
  • Concerti Grossi

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website because it's got all the contact info

Direct download: L7A_Loki_S2_E01-04.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:54am EST

Ahsoka S01E01-04

We have returned to bury the hatchet in regards to off-screen events which will only obliquely discuss, and instead talk about the first half of Ahsoka season 1! Stay tuned at the end for an absolutely critical fic shipping discussion.

Recorded 9-10-23

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

  • Ricardo
  • Concerti Grossi

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website because it's got all the contact info

Direct download: L7A_Ahsoka_S01E01-04.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:31pm EST

Guardians Vol. 3, Secret Invasion Pt 2 and Ahsoka Preview

We let some things pile up, so in an effort to clear out our backlog we've assembled an elite team to discuss a few different topics! Jamie, JD and Michal cover Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, the second half of Secret Invasion, and a mostly spoiler-free preview of the first two episodes of Ahsoka! Apologies for the audio problems on this one.

Recorded 8-24-23

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

  • Ricardo
  • Concerti Grossi

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website because it's got all the contact info

Direct download: L7A_Guardians_3_Secret_Invasion_Pt_2_Ahsoka.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:37pm EST

Secret Invasion S1 First Half

We (or is it even us?) have returned (or have we?) to discuss the first 3 epsiodes of Secret Invasion! (Or did we?) Yes. Yes we did. Except Michal, who was out of town. (Or was she?)

Recorded 7-10-23

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

  • Ricardo
  • Concerti Grossi

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website because it's got all the contact info

Direct download: L7A_Secret_Invasion_Pt_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:17pm EST

Across the Spider-Verse

Across the Spider-Verse rocks. There. I said it. You don't even have to listen to the podcast now. But wouldn't you rather be in the universe where you did?

Recorded 6-11-23

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

  • Ricardo
  • Concerti Grossi

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Across_the_Spider-Verse.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:46pm EST

The Mandalorian Chapters 23 + 24

We have returned to our ancestral home of Podcastalore to bring you our (belated) thoughts on the final two episodes of The Mandalorian season 3! Listen to find out if we think that these final two "saved" this season!

Recorded 5-4-23


Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Mandalorian_S3E7-8.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:13pm EST

The Mandalorian Chapters 21 + 22

Come one, come all for the return of the semi-semi-annual Star Wars Jewtacular! That's right: this is another Jamie + Michal duo episode to discuss the religious implications of the Armorer's decisions in light of the ongoing narrative of The Mandalorian. Also I guess Star Wars Celebration happened?

Recorded 4-9-23


Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_The_Mandalorian_Chapters_2122.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:22pm EST

Demon Squad with Thomas Smith and Erin Lilley

Through MST3K, JD and Page discovered an awesome indie movie called Demon Squad. And they loved it so much they had to sit down with creators Thomas Smith and Erin Lilley to discuss the original film, the experience of seeing it riffed on MS3TK and the (hopefully) impending sequel!

Recorded 4-2-23


Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Demon_Squad.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:07pm EST

The Mandalorian Chapter 19 + 20


We've narrowly escaped our exploding castle to cover the latest chapters of The Mandalorian! Was anyone else confused by the substantial diversion in Chapter 19, or the lack of urgency in Chapter 20? Because we were! Also: some frustatingly crappy Marvel news.

Recorded 3-26-23

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Mandalorian_S3E3-4.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:24am EST

The Mandalorian Chapter 17 + 18


We've returned to a galaxy far, far away to bathe in the livings waters of Podcastalore to wash away our shame for not covering Chapter 17 of the Mandalorian last week. So instead we're covering the first two epsidoes of season 3 together today!

Recorded 3-12-23

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Mando_S3E1-2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:05am EST

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania + More


Oh, is this still on? Yeah, I guess we neglected you for a bit. But we're back now, to talk about the latest MCU theatrical feature, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania! Plus about 30 minutes of Marvel news and things we, um, neglected to cover these last few months.

Recorded 12-26-23

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Quantumania.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:11pm EST

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever


We've traveled up and down the east coast via Orca-back to come together and discuss Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, a movie that had to overcome multiple tragic deficits. With that in mind, do we think it was successful or not? We have thoughts.

Recorded 11-20-22

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Wakanda_Forever.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:49am EST

She-Hulk: Attorney At Law - Episodes 8 + 9


We're breaking out of your podcast player to bring you our thoughts on the final two episodes of She-Hulk: Attorney At Law (season 1?). Were we in love with the appearances of certain guest stars, or put off by the relentless levels of meta? Listen to find out!

Recorded 10-18-22

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_She-Hulk_8__9.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:29am EST

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law - Episodes 6 and 7


We have returned from an impromptu wedding season and our trips to the sweat yurt to bring you our thoughts on the latest episodes of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law! Can we not stop smiling, or did these episodes prompt us to join a Z-list therapy circle?

Recorded 10-2-22

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_She-Hulk_6__7.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:24am EST

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law - Episodes 4 and 5


We were served papers that said we had to do another podcast or face the legal consequences, so we are back to talk about the latest episodes of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law! We may be down a JD but Michal is back in between holidays!

Recorded 9-18-22

Donate to a good cause:

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_She_Hulk_45.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:59am EST

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law - Episodes 2 and 3


We are back for a double dose of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law! We loved episode 1, but did our good feelings continue? Listen to find out what we thought of all the fourth wall breaking, elven mischief, and superhero twerking.

Recorded 9-5-22

Donate to a good cause:

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_She-Hulk_2__3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:33pm EST

Thor: Love and Thunder


Disney+ has unveiled the latest MCU tv show, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law! And we are back, with special guest Ellie from the All Day with Ellie podcast to discuss the debut episode: A Normal Amount of Rage.

Recorded 8-21-22

Catch up with our special guest Ellie on social media!

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_She-Hulk_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:17pm EST

Thor: Love and Thunder


The Level 7 crew has raced across the cosmos on our makeshift Bifrosts to Podcast City in order to bring you our impressions of Thor: Love and Thunder!

Recorded 8-14-22

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Thor_Love_and_Thunder.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:56pm EST

Obi-Wan Kenobi and SDCC News


The Level 7 Crew returns to a comic-con far, far away to cover two topics: all of Marvel Studios' Comic-Con announcements and the latest Star Wars show, Obi-Wan Kenobi!

Recorded 8-3-22

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Obi-Wan_and_SDCC_News.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Ms. Marvel No Normal


Unfortunately some of our flights back from Karachi were delayed, but those of us who could make it have assembled in the high school science lab to discuss the final episode of Ms. Marvel (season 1?): No Normal!

Recorded 7-23-22

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Ms_Marvel_6.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


Ms. Marvel 4 + 5


Show Notes:

Fighting past some scheduling conflicts and an unfortunate time travel paradox, the Level 7 crew is back to cover the two most recent episodes of Ms. Marvel! Listen to find out if we are still enjoying the show, or if we are maybe starting to cool on it.

Recorded 7-6-22

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Ms_Marvel_4__5.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:40pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


Ms. Marvel: Destined


Show Notes:

Though we have been banished from our home podcast dimension, we are still here to cover the lastest episode of Ms. Marvel! Listen to find out what we thought of the djinn heel turn, coordinated wedding dancing, and more!

Recorded 6-26-22

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Ms_Marvel_3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:55am EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


MST3K and Blobfest with Matt McGinnis


Show Notes:

Page sat down with writer/producer/director of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and Blobfest volunteer Matt McGinnis! They talk about the history and present of Blobfest, MST3K's evolution in the modern day and more!

Recorded 6-18-22

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:


Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_MST3K_and_Blobfest.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:32am EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


Ms. Marvel: Crushed


Show Notes:

The podcast is alive with the sound of music! Or maybe that's just us, gushing over the latest episode of Ms. Marvel! We're still really enjoying this show, though that ice cream pizza kid has got to go.

Recorded 6-19-22

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Ms_Marvel_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:35pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


Ms. Marvel: Generation Why


Show Notes:

We're back this week to talk about a show that we are all really digging so far, Ms. Marvel! We talk about the show's more comic booky sensibilities, the awesome Avengercon shirts, and more!

Recorded 6-12-22

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Ms_Marvel_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:17pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


AwesomeCon 2022: Wes Johnson is Back!


Show Notes:

JD and Page recently got to sit back down with voice actor and sports announcer Wes Johnson to discuss his career, the upcoming AwesomeCon 2022 and more!

Recorded 5-24-22

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_AwesomeCon_2022_Wes_Johnson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:38pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness


Show Notes:

We're dream walking our way back into this universe to bring you our thoughts on the MCU's latest release, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness! Our impressions run the gamut, so listen in to find out what we thought.

Recorded 5-22-22

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Multiverse_of_Madness.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:52pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


Moon Knight S01E01


Show Notes:

The Level 7 Crew has risen from our sarcophagi to talk about the latest Marvel show on Disney+: Moon Knight! Listen to find out if we willingly submitted ourselves to the scales of justice, or if we awoke bewildered and confused. Plus JD's thoughts on Boba Fett and some Marvel news.

Recorded 4-3-22

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Moon_Knight_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


The Book of Boba Fett Chapter 7


Show Notes:

We have reached the end of another Disney+ show, and we have thoughts about it. The Level 7 crew has come together to discuss the finale of The Book Of Boba Fett, "In The Name of Honor"!

Recorded 2-21-22

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Boba_Fett_7.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:56pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


The Book of Boba Fett Chapters 5 + 6


Show Notes:

Like a certain character we could name, we have returned to talk about the latest episodes of The Mandalor- I mean, The Book of Boba Fett! Man did this show change gears. Listen to find out what we thought about this dramatic shift in focus!

Recorded 2-6-22

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Boba_Fett_5_6.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:55pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


The Book of Boba Fett Chapters 3 + 4


Show Notes:

Like the mighty sarlacc we have returned for our coverage of the Book of Boba Fett chapters 3 and 4! We have a range of reactions to what is becoming a polarizing show.

Recorded 01-23-22

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Boba_Fett_3__4.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:42pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


The Book of Boba Fett Chapters 1 + 2


Show Notes:

The Level 7 crew returns to a galaxy far, far away to cover the latest Star Wars television show, The Book of Boba Fett! Listen to find out what we thought of the first two chapters!

Recorded 01-09-22

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Boba_Fett_12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:28pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


Spider-Man No Way Home


Show Notes:

From across the multiverse the Level 7 crew has assembled to discuss the latest MCU blockbuster, Spider-Man No Way Home! What did we think of all of the multi-franchise shenanigans? Listen to find out! Warning: the spoilers start quick!

Recorded 12-28-21

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_No_Way_Home.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:38pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


Hawkeye S01E05-E06


Show Notes:

Like an actor returning to a famous role the Level 7 crew is back to discuss the final two episodes of Hawkeye season 1! Listen to find out what we thought of Kate and Yelena's interactions, the final ice rink fight and Kingpin's return. Also, some potential mild spoilers for No Way Home in the Marvel News section.

Recorded 12-23-21

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Hawkeye_5-6.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


Hawkeye S01E04


Show Notes:

The full Level 7 crew has reunited to discuss the latest episode of Hawkeye. Topics of conversation include Kate's fidgetiness, Jack's doofiness, and Yelena's awesomeness. Plus the latest Marvel news!

Recorded 12-12-21

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Hawkeye_4.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:54pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


Hawkeye S01E01-03


Show Notes:

As MCU TV returns so does Level 7 Access! Or, at least some of us. Some (most) of us are sick. We go over the first 3 episodes of Hawkeye, the newest MCU series, including some choice speculation about the identity of certain characters.

Recorded 12-2-21

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Hawkeye_1-3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:40pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings


Show Notes:

With the Disney+ release of Shang Chi comes the Level 7 review! Listen to find out if we thought the movie was an awesome take on a Marvel kung fu movie, or if we felt like our souls were being painstakingly pulled from our body. Plus the latest Marvel news!

Recorded 10-17-21


Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Shang_Chi.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


What If Episodes 8 + 9


Show Notes:

We have assembled the entire Level 7 crew to cover the end of the first season of What If! Listen to find out if we were wowed by the Watcher and his Guardians of the Mutliverse or left cold like a fantasy Nazi robot!

Recorded 10-17-21


Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_What_If_8__9.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:08am EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


What If Episodes 6 + 7


Show Notes:

We may be late, we may be down some people, but we're still here to talk about What If! Listen to fnd out if we enjoyed the happier turn the show has taken, or if we were left cold like a once again dead Tony Stark.

Recorded 9-29-21

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_What_If_6__7.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:24pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


What If Episodes 2 + 3


Show Notes:

We thought What If had gone bleak with all those dead Avengers but then they had Dr. Strange destroy the whole dang universe. And THEN there's a zombie plague?! Listen to find out what we thought of these two decidedly un-cheery episodes of What If!

Recorded 9-12-21

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_What_If_45.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


What If Episodes 2 + 3


Show Notes:

What if we doubled up our coverage of current Marvel shows, two per podcast? Well that's exactly what we did! We cover T'Challa the galactic Robin Hood, plus all of the Avengers getting murdered. And some discussion of the latest Marvel news!

Recorded 8-29-21


Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_What_If_2__3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


Wes Johnson Interview


Show Notes:

In preparation for Awesome Con, Page sat down with voice actor Wes Johnson! Wes is known for his work on the Elder Scrolls video games as well as announcing for the Washington Capitals!

Recorded 8-16-21


Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Wes_Johnson_Interview.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


What If... Captain Carter Were the First Avenger?


Show Notes:

TV. Movies. Podcasts. It's more than a simple media critique. It's a prism of endless commentary and hot takes. We are the Podcasters. We are your guides through the MCU's newest show: What If! Listen to find out what we thought about the debut episode!

Recorded 8-15-21

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_What_If_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


All Things Marvel With Madame Kris


Show Notes:

In the break between MCU shows we have returned for this overview course on all recent things Marvel with Kris, one half of the Marvelous Madames podcast! We cover the Disney+ shows, plus we get to a pretty critical discussion of Black Widow.

Recorded 8-1-21


Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_All_Things_Marvel_With_Madame_Kris.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:14pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


Black Widow


Show Notes:

After all this time, we have assembled to talk about Black Widow, the first MCU movie in two years! Were we brainwashed into compliance/love by its charms or left cold, like a body on Vormir? Listen to find out!

Recorded 7-25-21

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Black_Widow.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:46pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


Loki S01E06: For All Time. Always.


Show Notes:

At the Podcast Citadel at the End of Time the Level 7 crew steps out of an elevator and into our hearts. Wait, no, that was Jonathan Majors. Anyway, this week we talk about the final episode of Loki (season 1): For All Time. Always.

Recorded 7-21-21

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Loki_6.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:47pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


Ben Penrod Returns


Show Notes:

Page and JD are joined this week by pop culture convention expert Ben Penrod! Ben is the cofounder and administrator of a number of comic-cons and similar events. So Page and JD spoke to him about cons coming out of Covid, as well as Japan, wrestling and the MCU!

Recorded 7-17-21


Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Ben_Penrod.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:48pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


Loki S01E04: Journey Into Mystery


Show Notes:

We we find ourselves in the Void at the end of time. Our only companions are a group of Lokis. Which one do we choose? Listen to our coverage of episode 5 of Loki to find out! Hint: it's totally Alligator Loki.

Recorded 7-11-21

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Loki_5.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:40pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


Loki S01E04: The Nexus Event


Show Notes:

After being rescued from our podcast recording office apocalypse, the Level 7 crew is reunited to discuss episode 4 of Loki, The Nexus Event! We're not sure what's wrong with the Internet everybody; we really liked this one.

Recorded 7-03-21

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Loki_4.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:02pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


MCU TV with Andy Ashcraft and Jackie Kashian


Show Notes:

We welcome back our good friends Andy Ashcraft and Jackie Kashian to talk all things MCU TV! We look back at Wandavision and Falcon and Winter Soldier, plus make some predictions/wishcasting for Loki!

Recorded 6-29-21


Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_MCU_TV_with_Jackie_and_Andy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:20pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


Loki S01E02: Lamentis


Show Notes:

You find yourself on a doomed moon and your only companion is Level 7 Access! The crew (minus JD and half a Devon) are joined by our intrepid rundown writer Mechelle to discuss episode 3 of Loki, and how it feels like an indulgent fan fiction come to life!

Recorded 6-24-21

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Loki_3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


Loki S01E02: The Variant


Show Notes:

Our coverage of Loki continues! Were we enchanted by this sophomore episode or left feeling cold, as if we just got very wet in an apocalyptic hurricane? Listen to find out!

Recorded 6-20-21

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Loki_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:44pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


Loki S01E01: Glorious Purpose


Show Notes:

As the MCU returns, so does Level 7 Access! We've grabbed our reset sticks and our little rewinder doohickeys to discuss the very first episode of Loki! Spoilers for the end of the hologram presentation: we liked it!

Recorded 6-13-21


Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Loki_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:23pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


Invincible Season 1


Show Notes:

We have a special off-season Incursion for you! Page and Jamie come together to talk about Invincible, the new Amazon Prime series based on the comic by Robert Kirkman! They also cover the latest Marvel news.

Recorded 5-6-21

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Invincible.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:16pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


FalSol S01E06: One World, One People


Show Notes:

We've put on our super suits and inexplicably appeared in New York to discuss the final season 1 episode of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier! We have.... thoughts about it.

Recorded 4-25-21

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_FalSol_6.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:05pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


FalSol S01E05: Truth


Show Notes:

We are joined this week by our intrepid rundown writer Mechelle Huber to discuss episode 5 of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: Truth! Were we bored by the show hitting the brakes a bit, or were we taken in by the Contessa's blank business card power moves? Listen to find out!

Recorded 4-18-21

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_FalSol_5.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:40pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


FalSol S01E04: The Whole World Is Watching


Show Notes:

The Level 7 crew is reunited at last, potentially to be torn apart by our reactions to The Falcon and The Winter Soldier! Inject your Super Soldier Serum and grab your Vibranium spears, we've got a lot to say about "The Whole World Is Watching"!

Recorded 4-04-21


Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_FalSol_4.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


FalSol S01E03: Power Broker


Show Notes:

JD returns and takes the Level 7 crew with him on a trip to Madripoor's seedy dive bar district as we discuss episode 3 of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: Power Broker!

Recorded 4-04-21

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_FalSol_3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


FalSol S01E02: The Star-Spangled Man


Show Notes:

Just as our two heroes come together, the Level 7 Access crew is left splintered! Just kidding, JD and Michal just couldn't make it, so we made do with a skeleton crew for this one. We had a lot of fun watching, and talking about, this episode of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier!

Recorded 3-29-21

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_FalSol_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:54pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


FalSol S01E01: New World Order


Show Notes:

We've come back to cover another Marvel show, and this time it is The Falcon and The Winter Soldier! Were we soaring watching this debut, or were we left a little cold? Listen to find out!

Recorded 3-21-21


Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_FalSol_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:05pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


An Interview With Elizabeth Henstridge


Show Notes:

Elizabeth Henstridge comes to the resuce to save us from our week off between Marvel shows! We discuss something called Agents of SHIELD, plus her Youtube show/podcast Live With Lil, and so much more!

Recorded 3-14-21


Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Elizabeth_Henstridge_Interview.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


WandaVision 9: The Series Finale


Show Notes:

Open your magic books and prepare your wiggly woos: it's time for the finale of WandaVision! Did the show end on a high note, or were we left feeling disappointed? Listen to find out!

Recorded 3-7-21

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_WandaVision_9.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


WandaVision 8: Previously On...


Show Notes:

Previously on Level 7 Access, we talked about WandaVision. Well we're doing that again! What did we think about this, frankly, rather dour and serious episode? Step through our memory doors and find out!

Recorded 2-28-21


Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_WandaVision_8.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:18pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


WandaVision 7: Breaking the Fourth Wall


Show Notes:

We've ventured back into the Hex to stare directly at the camera and admit that we were behind these super long podcasts about relatively short tv episodes all along. It's episode 7 of WandaVision: Breaking the Fourth Wall!

Recorded 2-21-21

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_WandaVision_7.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:21pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


WandaVision 6: All-New Halloween Spooktacular


Show Notes:

We've punched some SWORD agents and spontaneously developed super powers to bring you our discussion of WandaVision episode 6, All-New Halloween Spooktacular! Did the thrills and chills make our hair standup into little pointy things with glee? Or we were we broken into pixel chunks in dissappointment? Listen to find out!

Recorded 2-14-21


Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_WandaVision_6.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:45pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


WandaVision 5: On a Very Special Episode


Show Notes:

Tempers flare and none of our X-Rays look right as we discuss WandaVision Episode 5: On a Very Special Episode! What do we have to do to get some bulletproof disco pants over here?

Recorded 2-7-21

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_WandaVision_5.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:20pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


WandaVision 4: We Interrupt This Program


Show Notes:

We've undusted ourselves and stepped behind the hexagonal curtain to bring you our many thoughts about episode 4 of WandaVision, We Interrupt This Program! Seriously, there is a lot going on in this episode and we are fascinated by it. Apologies for some of the audio quality weirdness in this one though.

Recorded 1-31-21

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_WandaVision_4.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


WandaVision 3


Show Notes:

Things are a little weird this week. First we have Jamie, Michal and rundown writer extraordinaire Mechelle Huber to go through a standard discussion of episode 3 of WandaVision, "Now in Color"! Then JD and Page hold their own pirate radio version of Level 7 Access Classicโ„ข to share their thoughts. Sadly, Devon was ejected from the town by the Scarlet Witch.

Recorded 1-24-21

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_WandaVision_3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast


WandaVision 1+2


Show Notes:

The Level 7 Crew returns to discuss the premiere episodes of the first Disney+ Marvel show: WandaVision! And what a happy, family-oriented and not at all profoundly disturbing show it is! Note: we had some audio problems with Page and Devon's recording so their audio is not up to our usual standards.

Recorded 1-17-21

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Wandavision_12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and MCU Podcast


The Mandalorian Chapter 16


Show Notes:

We've collected all the macguffins and hijacked a shuttle: we're ready to talk about the final episode of The Mandalorian for 2020! We've got quite about to say about the Jedi ex Machina, certain new spinoffs and the rules of Darksaber ownership!

Recorded 12-21-20

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Mando_16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and MCU Podcast


So Many Shows!


Show Notes:

Join us for an extra episode going over the announcements from the recent Disney investors' presentation! We retouch on Star Wars, go over some of the general Disney announcements, and then go in deep on Marvel!

Recorded 12-17-20

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_So_Many_Shows.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:26pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and MCU Podcast


The Mandalorian Chapter 15


Show Notes:

In the spirit of Channukah, the Level 7 Jew Crewโ„ข has taken over the podcast to talk about themes of orthodoxy and adherence to religious tenets in this latest episode of The Mandalorian. Plus Jamie and Michal go over some of the latest Star Wars announcements from the Disney investors meeting!

Recorded 12-13-20

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Mando_15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and MCU Podcast


The Mandalorian Chapter 14


Show Notes:

Guest stars abound on this episode of the Mandalorian, as we grapple with the return of not just Boba Fett but Fennec Shand! Assisting us this epsiode is our intrepid recapper, Mechelle Huber!

Recorded 12-07-20

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Mando_14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and MCU Podcast


The Mandalorian Chapter 13


Show Notes:

The Mandalorian has a bold new entry as Ahsoka Tano makes her live action debut! Were we wowed by all of the revelations and samurai action, or were we left cold like a barren deforested wasteland? Also: we have thoughts about names.

Recorded 11-29-20

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Mando_13.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:57pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and MCU Podcast


The Mandalorian Chapter 12


Show Notes:

Now, before we begin, we need to make a quick pit stop at a local Imperial base. It will be super quick and there's hardly anyone there, I promise. Kay? What did we think about Mando's latest sidequest that maybe actually ties in to the main quest?

Recorded 11-22-20

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Mando_12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and MCU Podcast


The Mandalorian Chapter 11


Show Notes:

This is... the way? Our Mandalorian has finally met some other Mandalorians, and experienced some major culture shock. What did we think about Mando's reaction, and about the live action debut of Bo-Katan Kryze?

Recorded 11-15-20

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Mando_11.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and MCU Podcast


An Interview with the Yuan Twins!


Show Notes:

Straight from The Totally Excellant Adventures of Mack and the D, you know them as the Chang Gang, its Matt and John Yuan! We had a great time sitting down with them to ask about their careers, being on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and more!

Recorded 11-05-20

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Yuan_Twins_Interview.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and MCU Podcast


The Mandalorian Chapter 10


Show Notes:

The Level 7 crew dodges some New Republic patrols to bring you their coverage of the The Mandalorian Chapter 10: The Passenger! Were we enamored with this sidequest full of spiders and baby on baby violence? Listen to find out!

Recorded 11-08-20

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Mando_10.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:10pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and MCU Podcast


The Mandalorian Chapter 9


Show Notes:

The Level 7 crew is back to talk about the return of the Mandalorian! Was there enough Baby Yoda? What did we think of the cameo at the end? Recorded on election night so you know things got interesting!

Recorded 11-03-20

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_The_Mandalorian_Chapter_9.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:58pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and MCU Podcast


DJ Doyle: Post Season 7 Interview


Show Notes:

Page, Michal and Jamie had the wonderful opportunity to sit down with S.H.I.E.L.D. writer extraordinaire DJ Doyle to go behind the scenes of the show, his career, and how 2020 is disrupting his industry. Sorry for the lackluster audio quality on this one; there were technical difficulties.

Recorded Sep 30, 2020

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_DJ_Doyle_Post_Season_7.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and MCU Podcast


0713: What We're Fighting For


Show Notes:

We've arrived at the end of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.. Was the level 7 crew blown away by the finale or left wanting? Were we given magical empathy for a masterful conclusion or left cold in the vacuum of space? Listen to find out! Plus, an announcement about field reports!

Recorded Aug 23, 2020

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_0713_What_Were_Fighting_For.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and MCU Podcast


S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Final Season with Andy Ashcraft and Jackie Kashian


Show Notes:

JD, Page and Jamie had the chance to sit down with special guests Andy Ashcraft and Jackie Kashian to talk about the final season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

Recorded Aug 21, 2020


Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Final_Season_Talk.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and MCU Podcast


0712: The End is at Hand


Show Notes:

The end is nigh for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Level 7 crew is here to talk about it! What did we think about Simmons' amnesia, and do we finally like Kora? Listen to find out!

Recorded Aug 16, 2020

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

And thanks to Misscar for assisting with this week's rundown!

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_0712_The_End_is_at_Hand.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and MCU Podcast


0711: Brand New Day


Show Notes:

We're in the endgame now. With the series finale looming, the Level 7 Crew (plus Mechelle Huber!) come together to discuss season 7, episode 11 of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Brand New Day!

Recorded Aug 9, 2020

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_0711_Brand_New_Day.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:53pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and MCU Podcast


0710: Stolen


Show Notes:

The Level 7 Crew returns to talk about season 7, episode 10 of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Stolen. What did we think of Nathaniel's emerging master plans, and the appearance of the simultaneously hard to hate and love baby Garrett? Listen to find out!

Recorded Aug 2, 2020

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_0710_Stolen.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:24pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and MCU Podcast


0709: As I Have Always Been


Show Notes:

Good episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., or best episode? Find out what we thought about the time loop shenanigans of season 7, episode 9: As I Have Always Been! Sorry for the late release on this one!

Recorded July 26, 2020

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_0709_As_I_Have_Always_Been.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:13pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and MCU Podcast


0708: After, Before


Show Notes:

S.H.I.E.L.D. takes a trip back to Afterlife, but did the Level 7 Crew enjoy being along for the ride? Find out by listening to our discussion of season 7, episode 8: After, Before!

Recorded July 19, 2020

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A__0708_After_Before.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and MCU Podcast


0707: The Totally Excellent Adventures of Mack and the D


Show Notes:

Did you know that this episode takes place in the 80s? This episode really wants you to know that it takes place in the 80s. Join the Level 7 crew as we go over the newest patently ridiculous episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

Recorded July 12, 2020

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_0707_The_Totally_Excellent_Adventures_of_Mack_and_the_D.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and MCU Podcast


S07E06: Adapt or Die


Show Notes:

Explosions. Revelations. Emotional gut punches. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 7 episode 6 has all of these and more, and we talk about it all here!

Recorded July 5, 2020

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_0706_Adapt_Or_Die.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:27pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and MCU Podcast


S07E05: A Trout in the Milk


Show Notes:

The tension is ratcheting up as the team plays catch up in Season 7, episode 5 of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.! Listen to hear what we thought about Sousa's time travel woes, whether or not Chronicoms get angry, and Nathaniel Malick's.... carpeted van. Note: we apologize for the lowered audio quality this episode; there were some technical difficulties.

Recorded June 28, 2020

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_0705_Trout_in_the_Milk.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:52pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and MCU Podcast


S07E04: Out of the Past


Show Notes:

It was the kind of night like any other. When you record a podcast about a tv show with your pals. But then out of nowhere the unthinkable happens: you, uh.... finish recording the podcast. Put on your trench coat and start your inner monologue, it's time for the next episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

Recorded June 21, 2020

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_0704_Out_of_the_Past.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and MCU Podcast


S07E03: Alien Commies From the Future!


Show Notes:

Its time to sit down at the diner, order some coffee and interrogate a grandma because the Level 7 crew is here to go over the latest episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.! Spoilers: we liked this one, and Michal really likes Daniel Souza.

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_0703_Alien_Commies_From_the_Future.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and MCU Podcast


S07E02: Know Your Onions


Show Notes:

The Level 7 crew boards a train and proceeds to debate what's in the bottles for 2 hours. No! Actually we discuss S07E02 of S.H.I.E.L.D.! Plus: the return of field reports!?

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_0702_Know_Your_Onions.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Level 7 Access: A Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and MCU Podcast


S07E01: The New Deal


Show Notes:

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is back and so are we! We've got a lot to say about the first episode of season 7. Find out what the crew thinks about Deke's theories about time, whether or not a Chronicom would melt and more!

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg.

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_S07E01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST