Clark Gregg Returns!

Clark Gregg is back with J.D. and Page to discuss some season 2 character progression, how the show has changed from season 1, and answers some listener questions as well!

Warning: Spoilers for season 2 through episode 8 abound in this interview!

Direct download: ClarkGregg2.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EST

0208: The Things We Bury

This week, Page, J.D., and Devon break apart Episode 8 of Season 2, The Things We Bury. Page and J.D. had a problem with a few things, including the treatment of a particular female character and how fast we had a major plot thread resolved, but overall loved the episode, which continued a trend of outstanding TV. The group also dug in about some of the Agent Carter promos, and as always, read your tweets and e-mails!

Direct download: S02E08_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EST

0207: The Writing on the Wall

Page, J.D., and Devon hit a new season record in episode length as they talk about an amazing episode, "The Writing on the Wall." Everyone tries to help provide therapy to Page as she deals with Coulson becoming unhinged. They dive back into Ward's troubled waters as well, and try to weigh the pros and cons of what the reveal this week could be. Also, letters!

Direct download: S02E07_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Marvel 75th Anniversary Special

Hey, everybody! So um... we talked for two hours about a 75-year anniversary special. We might have problems! But um... enjoy? Also, we read your letters, which always make us happy! So, enjoy!



Direct download: Marvel75Anniv.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EST