0219: The Dirty Half Dozen

The gang is back together! J.D., Page, and Devon have their minds exploded by one of their favorite episodes of the series, The Dirty Half Dozen. They spend an unconscionable amount of time talking about Skye's fight scene, try to figure out what was going on between Bakshi and Ward, and pour one out for one of their favorite characters.

Direct download: S02E19_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Field Reports 4/26/15

It's your tweets and e-mails. For over two hours. It's your fault, and also thank you!

As always, send your e-mails to level7accesspod@gmail.com, and we will read them on the air!

Direct download: 0218Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 9:04pm EST

0218: Frenemy of My Enemy

Crazy title aside, J.D., Devon, and Page dig into episode 18, Frenemy of My Enemy! They discuss what on earth is up with Bakshi, what on earth is up with Ward, and what on earth is up with May! They also figure out what their nagging issues with the second half of season two are. Warning: really long episode ahead.

Direct download: S02E18_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EST

We're back to read more of your letters and tweets! And we try to cover up as many Daredevil spoilers as we can. Also, our recording schedule will be weird this week. Details are in the episode. Now you HAVE to listen!

As always, send your e-mails to level7accesspod@gmail.com to have them read on the air!

Direct download: 0217Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EST

0217: Melinda

Get your feels ready! J.D., Page, and Devon hop aboard the emotional roller coaster that was episode 17, Melinda! They discuss what Theta Protocol could be, what might tie into Age of Ultron, and what Simmons is going to do from here!



Direct download: S02E17_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Daredevil Bonus Episode

The Man With No Fear is here! Marvel's Daredevil dropped on Friday, and we managed to watch all of it over the weekend. We will discuss our impressions of the Netflix series, highlight things that worked and didn't work so much for us, and we will dig into the news that Agents of SHIELD has a potential spin-off coming!


SPOILER ALERT!!! Spoilers start at 1:08:05 and go through the remainder of the episode!

Direct download: DaredevilBonus.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Field Reports 4/12/15

It may be a day late, but we are here to read your letters and tweets about Episode 16, Afterlife! We meant to get the episode up on its normal day, but Daredevil happened! We'll be bringing a bonus episode to you tomorrow to talk about that!

As always, send your letters to level7accesspod@gmail.com!

Direct download: 0216Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EST

J.D., Page, and Devon break into another great episode, Afterlife! Even if the name doesn't really sit well with them. They will discuss that, how reprehensible Gonzalez is, and how much longer Bobbi will put up with his stuff. They also try to figure out what on earth is up with Lincoln, and what Gordon's words meant. Also, J.D. will whine about spoilers! It's a lot to talk about!


Direct download: S02E16_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Field Reports 4/5/15

We're back to read more of your tweets and letters! All 2+ hours of them! Thank you guys so much for sending us so many awesome letters and thoughts. We appreciate them and your support!

Don't forget to send your letters to level7accesspod@gmail.com, and we will read your letters on the air as well!

Direct download: 0215Mail.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 8:13pm EST

0215: One Door Closes

J.D., Page, and Devon break down what might be the best episode of season 2 to date, One Door Closes! They discuss "Real" S.H.I.E.L.D.'s motivations, the effective use of flashbacks, and gush over some awesome fight scenes. They also speculate on where certain characters may wind up when this new threat is dealt with, and evaluate Coulson's vacation plans. It's a busy episode!

Direct download: S02E15_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 5:00am EST