The Marvels

Did you know that whenever two of us crosstalk we instantly swap locations? It's true; just like the main characters in The Marvels, which is a fascinating movie to talk about because it mega-bombed and some people HATE it. But we had... a LOT of fun.

Recorded 12-9-23

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

  • Ricardo
  • Concerti Grossi

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website because it's got all the contact info

Direct download: L7A_The_Marvels.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:18pm EST

Loki S02 E05-06

It has all come back around to the beginning. It is 2013; JD and Page are discussing Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D episode 4. Wait, no, not that far back. The point is, the season (series?) finale of Loki has arrived and brought with it a glorious resolution to the story of our favorite former antagonist.

Recorded 11-26-23

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

  • Ricardo
  • Concerti Grossi

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website because it's got all the contact info

Direct download: L7A_Loki_S02E05-06.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:52pm EST

Loki S2 E01-04

Would you like any parmeasean cheese on your Victor Timely spaghetti? You're not hungry? But there's always room for key lime pie. And there's always time to talk about the first four episodes of Loki season 2.

Recorded 10-30-23

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

  • Ricardo
  • Concerti Grossi

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website because it's got all the contact info

Direct download: L7A_Loki_S2_E01-04.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:54am EST

Ahsoka S01E01-04

We have returned to bury the hatchet in regards to off-screen events which will only obliquely discuss, and instead talk about the first half of Ahsoka season 1! Stay tuned at the end for an absolutely critical fic shipping discussion.

Recorded 9-10-23

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

  • Ricardo
  • Concerti Grossi

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website because it's got all the contact info

Direct download: L7A_Ahsoka_S01E01-04.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:31pm EST

Guardians Vol. 3, Secret Invasion Pt 2 and Ahsoka Preview

We let some things pile up, so in an effort to clear out our backlog we've assembled an elite team to discuss a few different topics! Jamie, JD and Michal cover Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, the second half of Secret Invasion, and a mostly spoiler-free preview of the first two episodes of Ahsoka! Apologies for the audio problems on this one.

Recorded 8-24-23

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

  • Ricardo
  • Concerti Grossi

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website because it's got all the contact info

Direct download: L7A_Guardians_3_Secret_Invasion_Pt_2_Ahsoka.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:37pm EST

Secret Invasion S1 First Half

We (or is it even us?) have returned (or have we?) to discuss the first 3 epsiodes of Secret Invasion! (Or did we?) Yes. Yes we did. Except Michal, who was out of town. (Or was she?)

Recorded 7-10-23

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

  • Ricardo
  • Concerti Grossi

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website because it's got all the contact info

Direct download: L7A_Secret_Invasion_Pt_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:17pm EST

Across the Spider-Verse

Across the Spider-Verse rocks. There. I said it. You don't even have to listen to the podcast now. But wouldn't you rather be in the universe where you did?

Recorded 6-11-23

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

  • Ricardo
  • Concerti Grossi

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Across_the_Spider-Verse.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:46pm EST

The Mandalorian Chapters 23 + 24

We have returned to our ancestral home of Podcastalore to bring you our (belated) thoughts on the final two episodes of The Mandalorian season 3! Listen to find out if we think that these final two "saved" this season!

Recorded 5-4-23


Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Mandalorian_S3E7-8.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:13pm EST

The Mandalorian Chapters 21 + 22

Come one, come all for the return of the semi-semi-annual Star Wars Jewtacular! That's right: this is another Jamie + Michal duo episode to discuss the religious implications of the Armorer's decisions in light of the ongoing narrative of The Mandalorian. Also I guess Star Wars Celebration happened?

Recorded 4-9-23


Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_The_Mandalorian_Chapters_2122.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:22pm EST

Demon Squad with Thomas Smith and Erin Lilley

Through MST3K, JD and Page discovered an awesome indie movie called Demon Squad. And they loved it so much they had to sit down with creators Thomas Smith and Erin Lilley to discuss the original film, the experience of seeing it riffed on MS3TK and the (hopefully) impending sequel!

Recorded 4-2-23


Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Demon_Squad.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:07pm EST

The Mandalorian Chapter 19 + 20


We've narrowly escaped our exploding castle to cover the latest chapters of The Mandalorian! Was anyone else confused by the substantial diversion in Chapter 19, or the lack of urgency in Chapter 20? Because we were! Also: some frustatingly crappy Marvel news.

Recorded 3-26-23

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Mandalorian_S3E3-4.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:24am EST

The Mandalorian Chapter 17 + 18


We've returned to a galaxy far, far away to bathe in the livings waters of Podcastalore to wash away our shame for not covering Chapter 17 of the Mandalorian last week. So instead we're covering the first two epsidoes of season 3 together today!

Recorded 3-12-23

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach them on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Mando_S3E1-2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:05am EST

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania + More


Oh, is this still on? Yeah, I guess we neglected you for a bit. But we're back now, to talk about the latest MCU theatrical feature, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania! Plus about 30 minutes of Marvel news and things we, um, neglected to cover these last few months.

Recorded 12-26-23

Special thanks to our $15 per month and up Patrons:

Follow Level 7 Access:

Produced by Jamie Blumberg

For inquiries, visit Jamie's website or reach her on Twitter

Direct download: L7A_Quantumania.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:11pm EST