0313: Parting Shot

We get together and talk about the episode that made at least two of us weep real tears, Parting Shot! Amongst the tears, we talk about how to replace the humor that Hunter brought, how the episode connected to the rest of the season, and who that new character in the stinger might be!


Special thanks to Jesse Gilsinger for the new music! We hope you guys enjoy it!

Direct download: S03E13_L7A.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 4:00am EST

  • I recently found your podcast and I have enjoyed what I have heard. I will get to the older podcasts in due time. I wanted to share some thoughts about the episode, Parting Shot. On first viewing I thought I had seen the best AoS episode ever aired, however, in the cold light of the morning after I realized I had seen a good episode that had a great farewell scene. So strong, so dramatic and so emotional was the parting shot scene I realized that the emotion I felt had back flowed over the front of the story. The emotion that was felt on screen was real because I believe that the actors didn't have to act - it was real for them too. The respect, the camaraderie, the love the actors felt for each other was plainly evident and you could tell that they knew the AoS set would never be the same. The first 7/8ths of the show was good and I think that was because of Nick Blood. He carried this episode and his comedic timing is impeccable! Now, I know that Marvel, ABC and Disney know entertainment and I just watch, but I can't help be feel that having Bobbi and Hunter leave the show is a mistake. SHIELD is supposed to be ordinalry people protecting the world from the extraordinary. Yes, our team is super spies with super skills - and maybe a little something - something; she is called the Mockingbird for a reason - but they don't really have powers. I realize that this won't be a popular opinion, but I think that the show should have had Skye/Daisy/Quake exit the show with Lincoln and Joey and Yoyo to start Secret Warriors and get SHIELD back to what it started out to be. Lastly, I wonder if Stephanie Malick is going to be the Madame Masque we didn't get in Agent Carter or maybe Madame Hydra...

    posted by: Bob Frost on 2016-04-03 01:14:32

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